Plant-based food caterers providing gourmet meals to health-conscious eaters, helping them feel healthy and proud. Branch of Life is a family-owned business founded by Taj & Talibah Branch. Taj & Talibah have both battled health issues and testify as to how they utilised a plant-based diet as medicine. They have a belief that self-care begins in the kitchen, with organic plant-based ingredients.

Our studio's mission was to help Branch of Life become the brand it envisioned, by establishing a strategy & identity, and developing impactful customer touchpoints. 

Challenge : Identify the brand's purpose, position, differentiate the brand in the market, and launch the first line of products.
Outcome : Equilateral Studio helped Branch of Life focus their brand strategy. This led to the development of their identity. 

Creating the Strategy

We sat down with the founders, Taj and Talibah Branch, to craft the brand’s strategy and identity for the release of their new products. Over a four-hour facilitated meeting, we discovered the pain points of the new business. Additionally, we helped them prioritise the needs and goals of their business and its customers.
Getting to Know the Costumer

We achieve our vision and mission by educating and creating awareness. Additionally, supporting plant-based eaters, unhealthy people looking to address their health, pregnant or busy mothers, athletes, fitness coaches, and corporations. We also partner with local farmers and local businesses to work towards making our vision a reality.

Defining the Brand

Through various exercises during our discovery session, we were able to uncover the brand's key pillars. This process helped to define the brand's personality, look, sound, and next steps.
Brand & Identity

We achieve our vision and mission by educating and creating awareness. Additionally, supporting plant-based eaters, unhealthy people looking to address their health, pregnant or busy mothers, athletes, fitness coaches, and corporations. We also partner with local farmers and local businesses to work towards making our vision a reality.
Logo Design
Colour Palette & Type Selection
Illustration & Pattern Design

We designed an illustration depicting a scene of the organic ingredients used in Branch of Life's products. 

We crafted an unforgettable experience for Branch of Life's customers. Branch of Life's number one message to their customers is two words, "Thank You." We constructed a packaging system that would express gratitude in the most creative, and thoughtful way while keeping a coherent identity, and delivering excitement.
Some of our images are from Pexels
We are...

Equilateral Studio; A Creative Branding Agency For Businesses In The Wellness Industry. We are one of very few branding agencies dedicated to serving the health and wellness industry. We help wellness businesses differentiate their brands through the power of strategic thinking and design.

Get in touch :
Branch of Life

Branch of Life
